Biology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Hydrobiology - homeBiology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Hydrobiology
Klára Kaštovská

Klára Řeháková, PhD

Personal data

RNDr. Klára Řeháková PhD.

Maid name:  Kubečková

Born: 18. July 1974 in Pardubice


Institute of Hydrobiology AS CR

NA zlaté Stoce 7

České Budějovice 
CZ -370 05 
Tel.: +420 38 7775686

Institute of Botany AS CR

Dukelská 135


CZ-379 82 
E-mail: [email protected]


High school:

1988 - 1992  School of agriculture,  veterinary specialization 


Univesity of South Bohemia, Faculty of Biological Sciences

1992 - 1995 - undergraduate studies;

Bachelor thesis: Species diversity of Diatoms on upper Vltava River   in relation to water quality [in Czech]; Supervisor: ing. J.Elster,CSc.

1995 - 1997 - Master studies;

Master thesis: Algal communities in mountain streams of Šumava    National Park  (Czech Republic).. [ in Czech] Supervisor: Prof. RNDr. Jiří Komárek, DrSc. 
Species diversity and seasonal chages during two growing season  in four mountains fast -flowing streams were investigated and algal colonisation  on artifical substrata was studied.

1997-2002 - Ph.D. studies

Ph.D. thesis:  Ecology and Molecular Biology of Microbial Soil Crusts in  the Deserts of Western USA.[in English] Supervisor: Prof. RNDr. Jiří Komárek, DrSc. 

Scientific interests:

Algae and cyanobacteria in the extreme biotopes, plankton of eutrophic waters, microbial successional process in the soil. 


Scientific employers:

since 1998 -  Researcher,Institute of Botany, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Section of plant ecology in Třeboň 
since 2002 - Researcher, Institute of Hydrobiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Section of Primary production in České Budějovice


International cooperation:

1995-97   Co-operation on the project Interreg II., No. 10/61-4402.33-002/95 from 20. 3. 1995 BayStMLU. Together with Dr.J. Bauer, Dr. J. Lukavský and Dr. F. Lederer

1999 One month fieldwork (July), together with Dr J. Elster, Japan-Czech Research Project, Norwegian Arctic, Svalbard - Ny-Alesund.

Two weeks (June), together with Dr. J. Elster and Dr. Martin Tichý, French-Czech Research Project BARRANDE, Univ. of Grenoble, France

2000    In the December start of the staying at the John Carroll University  (JCU), University Heights, 44181,OH, USA. I worked like an independent scientist. Work together with Dr. J.R.Johansen and ETI on the projects: ”Desert soil amendment” and ”Molecular characteristic of microbial soil crusts”.

2001  The staying and co-operation with JCU and ETI. Work together with Dr. J.R.Johansen and ETI on the projects: ”Desert soil amendment” and ”Molecular characteristic of microbial soil crusts”.

2002   The continuing of the staying and co-operation with JCU and ETI till June.                                                            

August Svalbard 2002- Natural Environment Research Council (LSF-82/2002) research project - Diversity of cyanobacteria and eukaryotic microalgae in subglacial soil (Ny-Alesund, Svalbard) - J. Elster, K. Kubečková & M.Stibal.

2003   August- September  Svalbard, Polar  station  of the University Wroclav (Stacia Baranovskeho),  IX. Czech Glaciospeleological expedition

October  stay in the Department of Applied Chemistry and Microbiology, University Helsinki, Finland

2004 August- October Svalbard, Polar  station  of the University Wroclav (Stacia Baranovskeho),  X. Czech Glaciospeleological expedition

2005 August- October Svalbard, Polar  station  of the University Wroclav (Stacia Baranovskeho),  XI. Czech Glaciospeleological expedition

2006/07  September -May - Fulbright scholarship at the John Carroll University,

Dr.  J.R.  Jonansen

2008 August-September - field work in Ladahk, India cooperation with Universite Joseph Fourier, Laboratoire d'Ecologie Alpine, Grenoble, France 

2009 August-September - field work in Ladahk, India cooperation with Universite Joseph Fourier, Laboratoire d'Ecologie Alpine, Grenoble, France 

2011 August-September - field work in Ladahk, India




2003-2005 GA Czech Republic. Polyphasic aproach to the chosen genera from the family Nostocales. No GP206/03/P024

2004-2005 GA AS Czech Republic KJB6005409 - Primární sukcese sinic a řas po odlednění - podíl subglaciálních systémů na rekolonizaci, Hornsund, 77 st. s.š., Svalbard [Primary succession of cyanobacteria and algae after glacier retraet - part of subglacial systems on the recolonization, Hornsund, 77°N., Svalbard].

2006-2008 GA Czech Republic. Competition relationships among dominant species of phytoplankton in the reservoirs. No. GA206/06/0462

2009-2013 GA Czech Republic. Cyanobacterial competition mechanisms influencing species composition of the phytoplankton communities. No. GA206/09/0309


2003-2005 GA AS  A6005308 Czech Republic Vztahy mezi molekulárními, fenotypovými a ultrastrukturálními vlastnostmi heterocytosních cyanobaktérií. [Relationship among molecular, phenotypic and ultrastructural features of heterocytous cyanobacteria.] Solver: Prof. RNDr. J. Komárek CSc.

2007-2009 GA AS  KJB 600960703 Czech Republic Application of combined morphological, ecological and molecular approach in the classification of planktonic representatives of the genus Anabaena (Cyanobacteria), Solver: MSc. E. Zapomělová

2008-2012 GA AS IAA600050802 Migrace rostlin do subniválních poloh: úloha rostlinných vlastností a interakcí v oteplujícím se klimatu. [Migration of vascular plants into the subnival zone: the role of mutual interaction under the climatic changes], Solver: RNDr. J. Doležal Ph.D.

2010-2012 GA Czech Republic Taxonomická revize rodů Anabaena a Aphanizomenon (sinice) založená na komplexním fenotypovém a molekulárním přístupu. [Taxonomic revision of the genera Anabaena and Aphanizomenon (cyanobacteria) based on complex phenotypic and molecular approach]. Solver: E. Zapomělová Ph.D.



List of papers

© 2025 - Laboratory of Phytoplankton Ecology
Biology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Hydrobiology